The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Fear Indecision More Than Failure

: I’ve been thinking about this blog for 2 hours. How to frame the idea. What story to tell. Where the takeaways are. Another hour has gone by. And just now it hit me: the real choice isn't just between path A or path B; sometimes, it's the very act of choosing that's in question. Not choosing is, in itself, choosing ambiguity, stagnation and stalled results. Now I’m finally writing…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Becoming Real: Liberating Yourself and Your Business

What might you need to let go of to become more of your real self? As business kicks back into action following summer and responsibilities start piling up, consider this: the pathway to liberation and success is counterintuitively less, not more. Here’s your pathway to becoming real.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Take The “Rest” That Rules Them All 

Today is the mid-point of summer (already, I know!) and what better time to rest and reset? Maybe you’ve taken your family vacations, enjoyed time outside, had the BBQ fired up… but have you really taken time for yourself to reset? There’s tons of great research…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Don’t Miss These #NoMatterWhats

Inspiration is contagious (can we use that word anymore?). And just hearing what others are up to can inspire us to move forward, commit to our own next steps and reconnect to what matters. The #NoMatterWhat movement is constantly a source of exactly that kind of inspiration. There are people…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Summit Without the Summit: Climbing Devils Tower | Part 2

2:30am the alarm went off to get ready to climb Devils Tower, with nothing but a day of training prior. You might recognize this massive rock structure from the 1977 movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Or, from my blog last week where I shared what I learned during the training in part one. I got so much out of day one – physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually – it was hard to…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Climbing Devils Tower | Part 1

Devils Tower is such an ominous name for a 1,267 foot butte that rises out of the Wyoming plains that I was setting out to climb. I hardly have any experience with rock climbing and the fact that the name is a mistaken translation of a Native American Indian name, which is actually something like Bear’s Lair, wasn’t much solace. But it wasn’t solace that I was looking for – it was growth. Growth that was a hop, skip and a jump past information to a lived experience that I’ll never forget. The plan was in place, the scene was set… here’s what I learned.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Move the Needle Conversations

Have you ever felt like you’re super busy – meetings, Zooms, texts and emails – but not much is happening? You may feel super productive, but when you look at the scoreboard, results are somewhat lackluster… Well, I’ve been there. And having been studying it lately, it really comes down to one thing: having “move the needle conversations”. Conversations that are driving productive, committed action and results…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

2 Critical Components of Personal Transformation 

There are certain things we all need to create change in ourselves. Needed as in, they’re imperative to creating change in the direction we want. And it boils down to two things. Given that we’re about half way through 2023 – it’s a perfect time to review goals, see where we’re at – and reflect on how each of us might want to create change in ourselves going forward.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Did You Know You’re a Poet?

“We are under the delusion that our next practical, courageous steps all come from planning, organizing and strategy”. That was the first line of a David Whyte poetry course I’m taking for my birthday, which happens to be today. And what has struck me in this course is how it isn’t just about poetry. That delusion of which he writes seems to be prevalent not just in poetry – but everywhere. And there’s a way we can step out of that delusion and into the real work of what must come before effective planning, organizing or strategy….

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

A New Definition of Culture Fit

Culture fit is important as you’re growing your team or your company – most would agree – but have you stepped back to understand what culture fit really means? How do we actually know if someone is a culture fit or not? From my work with hundreds of companies, it seems that many are using indicators that aren’t very helpful at all. In fact, they’re even at odds with growth, innovation and results…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Free Yourself with Free Will

Are you using free will? I know it’s a somewhat philosophical question, but it’s an important one when it comes to your results. Your free will (or lack of it) plays a critical role in choosing pathways and actions that are in line with who you are and where you’re headed.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Your Biggest Breakthrough from the Most Unexpected Place

Are you one of those people that gets anxious before standing up to share in a meeting? Can’t stand waiting for an answer? Or agonize over a relationship looking for positive affirmation? Maybe those feelings you have before meeting the unknown – in all their forms – are what’s between you and the results you really want. Maybe…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

11 Questions for Growth

Businesses only grow as much as their people do. And that growth always starts with a willingness to discover new answers through new questions. Throughout different cities, cultures and conversations – here are 11 questions that I’ve found have consistently opened new growth opportunities for people and the companies they’re a part of…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Phrase that Limits your Potential

There’s one phrase that limits it all. A phrase that shuts down your potential, freezes your results and stops your progress in its tracks. It will rob you of what could be and leave you with the same old results you’ve always had – for your business or yourself. Setting this one phrase aside will be life-changing, business changing and transformative for whatever you’re focused on…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Goosebump Moments

Goosebumps mark the way. Not the kind of goosebumps (goose pimples, goose skin or whatever you call them)... you get when you’re caught in a snowstorm without a coat or when you are watching the latest thriller on Netflix. But the kind of goosebumps you get when you’re deeply inspired, moved or touched in some new way. Those moments…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Easiest Way to Grow Strong Relationships is the Hardest Thing to do

Relationships are important for all of us, but what it takes to build a strong one might surprise you. People who have strong, close and healthy relationships, personally and professionally, yield happier, more fulfilled and more productive lives. The easiest way to grow strong relationships is actually the hardest thing to do…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

No Matter What in 3 Questions

You don’t have to be victimized by outside factors, stopped by self doubt or restrained by limiting beliefs. You can move forward regardless of the circumstances by asking yourself these three questions…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Creation Advantage

Changing is inevitable – but why we change makes all the difference. There are two sources of change that can either lead you to greater growth, performance and results. Or, it can lead you down a path of frustration, circumstances and mediocrity…

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