The Growth Hub

Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What

Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

4 Key Traits to Build a #NoMatterWhat Sales Culture

A #NoMatterWhat sales culture sets excuses aside to grow regardless of the circumstances. Sounds great, right? Well it isn’t just a theory; we’re working with companies and their leadership to get sales results in the midst of inflation, looming depression, global instability and all the other constant chaos in the world. Here’s how…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Leaving your Comfort Zone isn’t Enough

Growth requires leaving your comfort zone, sure. But that’s not enough. The truth is that there’s another equally important component that is often left out…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

2 Steps to Free Yourself From the Fear of Public Speaking

Spiders, heights and death (yes, death) according to research are all less terrifying than the fear that seems to rule them all: public speaking. Unaddressed, it can hold you back from advancing your career, growing your business or even having the impact you…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Stressed? Here’s what to do about it…

33% of people report feeling extreme stress. 77% percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health. 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health. Stress is running rampant. Here’s something you can do about it right now…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Build your Discomfort Muscle

Have you felt physical discomfort before (like you stubbed your toe)? How about emotional discomfort (like you lost a big sales deal)? Of course, we all have. There’s a hidden superpower in that discomfort that you probably don’t know about.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Don’t fail fast. Fail uncomfortably, painfully, slow.

While it is true that new and different attempts at something is a factor in your success, from what I have seen in companies of all sizes and in all parts of the world, is that the fail fast approach is apt to skip over mistakes and leave learnings on the table that are an even greater factor contributing to your ultimate growth (as a company and as a person).

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Is the #NoMatterWhat Keynote Experience Right for your Company?

Just like #NoMatterWhat isn’t for everyone, the #NoMatterWhat Keynote Experience is not for every company. I’ve been getting a few questions lately from people asking how we’d know if it was a fit to work together. And naturally, I have some easy early questions to make sure we’d fully align to drive maximum impact and value, together…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

On Pain (and Love)

Pain is unpleasant, unavoidable and often unwelcome – and it’s also the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. If approached with openness, love (I know, it’s Valentine’s Day week) and gratitude, pain is the vehicle through which we expand ourselves. Reach a greater potential. And truly grow as human beings (remember, businesses only grow as much as their leaders are willing to grow).

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Your Life Mission (Should You Have the Courage to Accept it)

What’s most important to you? It’s that essence that I think is our duty to align our lives to. Aligning to that life mission #NoMatterWhat, will yield a fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful life. The gap between what’s most important to you and how aligned you are with it will determine both your results and your regrets.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The 4 Kinds of Support you Need to Grow (#NoMatterWhat)

Growth isn’t magic. Whether we’re talking about personal growth, professional growth, company growth or anything else, it happens with the support of others. And there are four key roles you need filled in order to grow.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Start 2023 saying: I WILL…

Many New Years start with wishes, wants and hopes that somehow quickly fade as the year marches on. Challenges and circumstances seem to corrupt the best intentions leaving those goals slowly dissolving into the world of impossibility. And in what feels like the blink of an eye, another year has passed and some of the results we want most are left unfulfilled. Let’s not do that (again). This is our year. And to make it our year demands we step out of the world of wishing, wanting and hoping into a world of I WILL.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Don’t just make a resolution. Create a #NoMatterWhat.

Are you ready to start 2023 off strong with new health goals, relationship goals, team goals, wealth goals, growth goals… This year, don’t make a resolution. Create a #NoMatterWhat. Lean into the commitment, the community and the system that’s specially designed and proven to drive your results regardless of the circumstances.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Your 2022 #NoMatterWhat Impact

Impact isn’t easy, even during the best of times. And 2022 has been a rollercoaster at best for many. Inflation, looming depression, staffing and supply chain shortages, global instability – even a universal instability driven by rapid and relentless change is front and center for many of us. And yet…

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Top 5 #NoMatterWhat Blogs of 2022

There are 5 blogs that you absolutely cannot miss this year. I know, I know… you’re overwhelmed with holiday shopping, end of year deadlines, endless to-do lists. And I promise you – each of these few minute reads will be more than worth your time (and will probably help with that overwhelming feeling…)

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Top 10 #NoMatterWhat Podcasts of 2022

You know what you might be missing? Podcasts. Specifically, these 10 most popular podcasts that were gracious enough to have me on as a guest to talk all things Hunting Discomfort and the #NoMatterWhat practices. Check one out that speaks to you. Or, check them all out. You can’t go wrong with this list.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

It’s Not Just Saying You’re Grateful

How’s this for a blog title this time of year? This is the time of year when many people, in the US at least, will talk about gratitude and how grateful they are. I know, mind-blown already. But that’s really only less than half of the equation. There’s something else...

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

The Three Discomfort Defaults in Your Way

Discomfort is in your way. It’s not money, time, your job, your company, your team, your personality, your culture, the market, inflation, or the world that’s in the way of the results you want. What determines your results is one thing only: how you deal with discomfort.

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Sterling Hawkins Sterling Hawkins

Want Results? Look for the Opposite.

To get the results you want, find the opposite… That’s right, to achieve what you want, you have to seek out, hunt down and embrace the opposite. And my money is on that it might be at least a little uncomfortable. True in your business and in your life. Let me show you what I mean.

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