The Growth Hub
Ideas, tools, support and inspiration to realize your goals, purpose and potential, No Matter What
How to Help Yourself Get Unstuck
It’s work to open our perspectives and become comfortable where we’ve been uncomfortable to make the most of our character, intelligence and potential.
How Trust Transforms Discomfort into Growth
The more we can trust, the more we can grow. There’s a positive correlation between the amount of trust we have and the weight of discomfort we can handle and grow from. Trust is essential to overcoming the uncomfortable and uncertain because it provides the internal foundation needed to step forward. When you’ve cultivated trust, you believe in your capacity to navigate and endure any difficult situation ahead.
People before Progress
There is no achievement in isolation. Nobody does it alone. If you want to perpetuate progress, create sustainable achievement — you need to sustain a collective. You don’t only need goals. Or willpower. You need this rich tapestry of people in all aspects of life. That’s what propels you forward — that’s what creates achievement.
Why Holding on Holds you Back
The more attached we are to an outcome, the less likely we are to realize it. Attachment to results leaves us fighting current circumstances instead of working with them. When we let go and trust– trust our preparation, our practice, our process – it frees us to be present and function most effectively with the tools we already have.
The way out is through. And the way through is trust.
Growth is not just a function of better strategy, more grit, and harder work. It’s a function of the real work: the uncomfortable work to let go of what we already know and trust that there’s something greater on the other side. A cultivated belief that we can depart from the status quo – about ourselves, our teams, our companies – and realize our potential beyond it.
Slow Down to Speed Up
The faster change occurs around us, the more crucial it becomes to pause and reflect on who we are within it. This reflection helps us stay grounded and aligned with what’s ultimately important and where we ultimately want to go – in our organizations and in our lives. By slowing down to know ourselves better, we can handle change with greater resilience, speed and clarity.
Content isn’t king. This is.
Content is information, ideas or materials shared. Context is the circumstantial, conditional and cultural framework that influences how that content is understood. The real worth is found not in the content itself, but in the context that shapes our understanding of it. Content isn’t king. Context is.
Breaking Free From Being Stuck
Leaning out robs you from understanding the heart of your challenge, sentencing you to repeating it over and over again. Leaning in reveals what there really is to deal with, hard work that when addressed, forever frees you from the source of the challenge. Lean in for liberation. Leaning out will only keep you stuck.
3 Powerful Words to Help Ourselves in Challenging Times
We don’t grow by denying the hard realities that we may be facing or trying to run away from them. That likely makes them worse and leaves us victimized by their effects. We grow by the presence to acknowledge and truly own our challenges.
3 Powerful Words to Help Each Other in Challenging Times
Supporting others through challenging times isn’t just about solving their problems. It’s about the presence to acknowledge their hardships, stand in them and face whatever is to come, together.
Your Safe Space isn’t Enough
Developing real psychological safety doesn't mean staying in a static, comfortable bubble. It means developing the resilience and flexibility to handle more diverse and challenging scenarios. The once formidable becomes the familiar. We don’t become more psychologically safe by avoiding or denying the things that make us uncomfortable. But rather including, embracing and expanding beyond that discomfort.
Breaking the Confidence Misconception
Confidence is a deep self-trust. A cultivated belief that no matter what happens, we know who we are to navigate it. It gives us the internal strength to confront anything we’re presented with. Circumstantial confidence, derived from status, money, relationships or anything externally will yield a fragile, false confidence at best.
The Breakthrough Pathway to Breakthroughs
Shifting our beliefs will always out perform working more, trying harder or even learning new things because those approaches miss the place that results shift from. As you shift your beliefs, new ideas, pathways and opportunities emerge that create a meaningful, transformational and sustainable difference.
In Tension, Find Intention
Give and take is fundamental to any human relationship over time. Without clear intentions we can be left in-tension feeling like we’re against each other, but with them we can align our greater aims to grow, together…
Cutting Through the Noise
Sometimes it feels like we’re awash in generalities, broad-stroke strategies and sweeping statements – the noise is hard to cut through. It’s only in the nuances, the details, the specificity of our questions and answers that the difference gets made. Our results will transform in direct correlation with our willingness to dive deep, have the hard conversations, ask the tough questions, interrogate our beliefs and be rigorous in our thinking. Only within the real work of specificity can we find the alignment and clarity we need to propel ourselves forward.
Let’s Connect 1:1
I love writing, speaking and running workshops with leadership teams… but do you know what I love the most? Seeing the impact of our work. Especially engaging with people who really take it to heart and use it to create an inflection point of change in their work, relationships and lives.
What’s driving you is defining you: Is it Fear or Growth?
Fear is winning as record numbers of people worldwide believe the future will only be worse than today. Economic uncertainty, global instability, AI disruption and rapid change everywhere we turn is leaving people feeling scared, powerless and lost. Unaddressed, it can’t help but stall our personal progress and business growth. And while moving away from those fears and toward growth might seem like a linear path leading to similar outcomes, they actually diverge towards fundamentally different places.
My 3 Travel Nutrition Essentials
Travel comes with the territory in my line of work, and honestly, I love it. It's not the flights or the hotel stays that get me excited—it's the vibrant tapestry of people I meet, the genuine connections I forge, and the spark of inspiration that seems to strike in the most unexpected places. With the amount of time I spend journeying from place to place, I've developed a bit of an obsession with maintaining my health and ensuring I'm always on top of my game. So, here are a few things I don’t travel without…
Building Unshakable Goals
In a world that relentlessly pushes the narrative of goal-setting, vision crafting, and benchmarking as the ultimate roadmap to success, there's an essential, yet often overlooked, component that distinguishes the truly successful from those perpetually chasing their tails. Yes, having goals and objectives is crucial—they give us direction and make our aspirations tangible. However, there’s a nuanced layer beneath the surface that can significantly influence our ability to build and achieve these goals and sustain high levels of performance over time.
2 Tools We All Need to Navigate Uncertainty
At a time when AI converses with us like friends, augmented reality changes how we see the world around us and computer-generated content blurs the line between fiction and reality, what can be trusted? The very senses we rely on to interpret and navigate our surroundings are under siege by technologies that can mimic, manipulate, and manufacture realities seemingly indistinguishable from the truth. We need to understand what’s real in our work and our lives to be able to take the right actions.